Voyage Summary

7 Nights
12th April 2025

A naturalist's dream come true, the Galápagos plays home to over 9,000 species of flora and fauna. Join us on this exceptional cruise. You'll spot a vast array of rare animals as you enjoy your time. Look out for Lava Lizards, Blue-footed Boobies, sea lions, Giant Tortoises and Galapagos Penguins. Snorkel in sapphire waters, hike through out of this world lava fields, set off on a Zodiac excursion, or watch for wildlife with binoculars from on deck.

Voyage Itinerary

Day 1 - San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

Like so many of the islands in the Galapagos San Cristobal is formed by dormant volcanoes. It lies to the east of the archipelago and is one of the oldest islands in the group. Approximately 6 000 people live on the island making their living from tourism fishing in government offices or off the rich volcanic soils with some limited farming existing in the highlands. Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on the southwestern tip of the island is the capital city of the Galapagos Islands. A statue of Charles Darwin graces the harbor marking one of the first places he likely stepped ashore in the 1830s.

Day 1 - Roca León Dormido , Ecuador

Kicker Rock is the vertical remnant of a former tuff cone less than 5 kilometers to the west of San Cristobal. Both its Spanish name “Leon Dormido” (Sleeping Lion) and English name Kicker Rock imply that it is one rock only -when in fact it is a larger one 300 meters long by 100 meters wide with a maximum height of approximately 150 meters and next to it an obelisk-like rock separated by a narrow channel some 20 meters deep. When approaching Kicker Rock, Blue-footed Boobies, Nazca Boobies and frigatebirds can be observed in the air, while sea lions can be seen along the shore. Snorkelers and divers have reported manta rays, hammerhead sharks and turtles. The Spanish name implies that the geological formation seen from the south resembles a sleeping lion. An interesting explanation for the English name suggests that James Colnett in 1794 likened it to famous landmarks in Portsmouth.

Day 2 - El Barranco, Genovesa Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

Genovesa is one of the northernmost islands of the archipelago. Genovesa’s southern side of the shield volcano’s crater collapsed and a protected bay known as Darwin Bay was formed. The island is often referred to as the “Bird Island” as the numbers and species of land and seabirds on Genovesa are quite extraordinary. There are two visitor sites, and Prince Philip’s Steps give access to the flat plateau above the bay. Named after Prince Philip who visited the Galapagos on two occasions, the “steps” are mostly natural. The steep cliffs are home to Red-billed Tropicbirds, while Magnificent Frigatebirds, Nazca and Red-footed Boobies prefer the top. The plateau above Prince Philip’s Steps has a palo santo forest and an extensive lava field. This is an area where one of the Galapagos’ top predators, the Short-eared Owl, is hunting storm petrels. The Short-eared Owls are extremely well camouflaged and are not always easy to spot in between the rocks.

Day 2 - Darwin Bay, Genovesa Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

At Genovesa Island the ship tucks into Darwin Bay an ancient volcanic crater now flooded by the sea. Zodiacs land on a picturesque sandy beach where Galapagos sea lions often rest on the fine white sand. Explorations along the shore may reveal marine iguanas looking like prehistoric dinosaurs in miniature. By heading inland a short distance visitors could encounter seabirds of all shapes and sizes nesting in the vegetation. Scores of immature Red-footed Boobies perch on branches within an arm’s reach of the path. In addition watch for Great Frigatebirds and Yellow-crowned Night Herons along the walk. There is also fantastic snorkeling in the waters of Darwin Bay with the opportunity to see large schools of reef fish and brightly colored sea stars.

Day 3 - North Seymour Island, Galapagos , Ecuador

The landing at North Seymour Island is onto black lava rock. After a short climb visitors arrive on the island’s flat plateau where a number of sea lions nurse pups and frigatebirds nest. The island is dry and so the predominant tree is the prickly pear cactus favored by the yellow Conolophus land iguanas that live here in number. The undulating terrain is littered with red-brown volcanic boulders and large male Magnificent Frigatebirds can be seen inflating their vivid red gular sacs in hopes of impressing females flying overhead. At certain times of the year pairs of Blue-footed Boobies dance here in a ritualized mating dance that reinforces their pair bond and shows off their vivid blue feet. The snorkeling here is well-known for schools of colorful creole wrasses and parrot fish.

Day 3 - Sullivan Bay, Santiago Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

The lava fields of Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island will inevitably remind visitors of the surface of the moon. As brilliant red Sally Lightfoot crabs scuttle along the black volcanic shores learn about the formation of the islands through geological forces from your guides. The lava flows here are just over one hundred years old and date back to 1897. The lava took on a rope-like appearance and geologists have adopted a Hawaiian word pahoehoe as the technical name for this kind of volcanic rock. After walking the exposed rocky terrain it is a welcoming sensation to return to the sandy beach and get ready for a swim or a snorkel.

Day 4 - Mangle Point, Fernandina Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

Among the impressive new lava fields of Fernandina Island hides a cove surrounded by mangroves. A rewarding place for bird-watching as the bay is the point where the land meets the sea, joining the two environments, with sea birds, shorebirds and land birds all in the same place. The different species of mangroves: Red, White and Black, have formed a root system that serves as a nursery for many species of fish, including juveniles’ sharks and green sea turtles. Snorkeling is as rewarding with some unique sightings as Marine Iguanas feeding on algae, or flightless cormorants diving for their prey.

Day 4 - Punta Moreno, Isabella Island, Galapagos , Ecuador

Impressive Pahoehoe lava field that lies between two active volcanoes, Sierra Negra and Cerro Azul, on the south coast of Isabela Island. The rich waters of Cromwell Current wash the shores, and as a result, you can see the largest marine iguanas of the archipelago basking on the rocks, Flightless Cormorants and Galapagos Penguins diving for food.

Day 5 - Los Gemelos, Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

Los Gemelos (The Twins) is a visitor site in the Santa Cruz highlands. Found some 15 kilometers northwest of Puerto Ayora, the road leading from Puerto Ayora in the south of Santa Cruz to Itabaca in the north dissects the twin pit craters. Pit craters are formed when the roof of an underground void collapses. The smaller pit crater is on the eastern side of the road, while the larger one is on the western side. See from above, the two openings in the ground are not at all identical. Their layout might imply an elongated magma chamber or a lava tube leading further west and the larger twin actually having formerly been two small pit craters whose connecting wall collapsed as well. Trails through a Scalesia forest not only give access to good views of the pit craters, but also permit to observe some of the smaller land birds. Vermilion Flycatchers, Yellow Warblers, Galapagos Doves, Medium Ground Finches and several other finch species can often be seen there.

Day 5 - Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz , Ecuador

Silver Origin will anchor in front of Puerto Ayora Santa Cruz where the prestigious Charles Darwin Research Station is located. The station also houses the Fausto Llerena Breeding Center for giant tortoises and land iguanas where guides interpret the centre’s captive breeding and reintroduction programs. In addition to these star species throughout the station, there are huge prickly pear cactus trees being fed upon by the pretty Galapagos Cactus Finch. To round out the stay in Puerto Ayora enjoy free time in town where local artists have created charming art galleries and corner cafés.

Day 6 - Gardner Bay, Española Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

Isla Champion is a small islet off Floreana Island’s northeast coast. To cruise by it reveals a bare rocky island without much allure but to enter the infinitely blue waters around this small landmass is to discover a spectacular underwater realm. The visibility is generally impressive and thanks to this water clarity snorkelers often spot reef sharks patrolling the reef wall cruising Pacific green turtles and playful Galapagos sea lions. Encounters in the blue with thousands of small silver minnows large tuna fish or oceanic sunfish are not unheard of either.

Day 6 - Punta Suarez, Isla Española, Galápagos , Ecuador

Punta Suárez lies at the western point of Española the oldest island in the Galápagos. Sheer cliffs provide superb thermals for seabirds and you may spot Swallow-tailed Gulls Nazca Boobies and Blue-footed Boobies on the breeze. The largest seabird to nest in the Galapagos Islands is the Waved Albatross. These ocean wanderers can be seen seasonally here from April through December when pairs reunite on Española going through an elaborate pair-bonding display. Mockingbirds doves and occasional Galápagos Hawks can also be seen on the point along with sea lions and colorful marine iguanas.

Day 7 - San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos , Ecuador
Day 7 - Cerro Brujo, San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

An impressive tuff cone has been carved by erosion into an outstanding natural sculpture, being a resting place for marine birds such as blue-footed bobbies and brown pelicans. One of the most beautiful white sand beaches of the Galapagos (swim or snorkel). View sea lions, sally light footed crabs, blue-footed bobbies. Behind the dunes, you find a coastal lagoon, which was visited in the past by the locals to extract salt, today it is home to some shorebirds such as stilts and plovers.

Day 8 - San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos , Ecuador

Like so many of the islands in the Galapagos San Cristobal is formed by dormant volcanoes. It lies to the east of the archipelago and is one of the oldest islands in the group. Approximately 6 000 people live on the island making their living from tourism fishing in government offices or off the rich volcanic soils with some limited farming existing in the highlands. Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on the southwestern tip of the island is the capital city of the Galapagos Islands. A statue of Charles Darwin graces the harbor marking one of the first places he likely stepped ashore in the 1830s.

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Alternative Dates

San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 13th February 2027 – SILVEROR270213007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
13th February 2027 | 7 nights
From £10,000pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 5th December 2026 – SILVEROR261205007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
5th December 2026 | 7 nights
From £9,700pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 26th September 2026 – SILVEROR260926007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
26th September 2026 | 7 nights
From £9,000pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 21st February 2026 – SILVEROR260221007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
21st February 2026 | 7 nights
From £11,500pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 20th December 2025 – SILVEROR251220007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
20th December 2025 | 7 nights
From £13,600pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 4th October 2025 – SILVEROR251004007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
4th October 2025 | 7 nights
From £11,300pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 21st June 2025 – SILVEROR250621007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
21st June 2025 | 7 nights
From £16,000pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 6th February 2027 – SILVEROR270206007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
6th February 2027 | 7 nights
From £10,000pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 28th November 2026 – SILVEROR261128007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
28th November 2026 | 7 nights
From £10,600pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 19th September 2026 – SILVEROR260919007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
19th September 2026 | 7 nights
From £9,100pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 25th April 2026 – SILVEROR260425007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
25th April 2026 | 7 nights
From £10,200pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 13th December 2025 – SILVEROR251213007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
13th December 2025 | 7 nights
From £10,100pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 20th September 2025 – SILVEROR250920007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
20th September 2025 | 7 nights
From £11,800pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 14th June 2025 – SILVEROR250614007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
14th June 2025 | 7 nights
From £12,900pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 3rd May 2025 – SILVEROR250503007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
3rd May 2025 | 7 nights
From £20,400pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 9th August 2025 – SILVEROR250809007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
9th August 2025 | 7 nights
From £12,000pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 6th December 2025 – SILVEROR251206007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
6th December 2025 | 7 nights
From £12,000pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 14th February 2026 – SILVEROR260214007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
14th February 2026 | 7 nights
From £12,900pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 2nd May 2026 – SILVEROR260502007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
2nd May 2026 | 7 nights
From £10,200pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 11th July 2026 – SILVEROR260711007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
11th July 2026 | 7 nights
From £9,500pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 24th October 2026 – SILVEROR261024007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
24th October 2026 | 7 nights
From £9,300pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 2nd January 2027 – SILVEROR270102007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
2nd January 2027 | 7 nights
From £10,200pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 13th March 2027 – SILVEROR270313007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
13th March 2027 | 7 nights
From £10,300pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 27th February 2027 – SILVEROR270227007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
27th February 2027 | 7 nights
From £10,100pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 12th December 2026 – SILVEROR261212007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
12th December 2026 | 7 nights
From £9,700pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 3rd October 2026 – SILVEROR261003007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
3rd October 2026 | 7 nights
From £8,800pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 3rd October 2026 – SILVEROR261003007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
3rd October 2026 | 7 nights
From £8,800pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 20th June 2026 – SILVEROR260620007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
20th June 2026 | 7 nights
From £9,600pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 20th June 2026 – SILVEROR260620007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
20th June 2026 | 7 nights
From £9,600pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 11th April 2026 – SILVEROR260411007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
11th April 2026 | 7 nights
From £10,200pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 24th January 2026 – SILVEROR260124007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
24th January 2026 | 7 nights
From £11,300pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 24th January 2026 – SILVEROR260124007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
24th January 2026 | 7 nights
From £11,300pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 8th November 2025 – SILVEROR251108007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
8th November 2025 | 7 nights
From £11,700pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 8th November 2025 – SILVEROR251108007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
8th November 2025 | 7 nights
From £11,700pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 19th July 2025 – SILVEROR250719007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
19th July 2025 | 7 nights
From £13,000pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 23rd January 2027 – SILVEROR270123007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
23rd January 2027 | 7 nights
From £10,100pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 28th March 2026 – SILVEROR260328007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
28th March 2026 | 7 nights
From £13,100pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 10th January 2026 – SILVEROR260110007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
10th January 2026 | 7 nights
From £10,800pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 25th October 2025 – SILVEROR251025007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
25th October 2025 | 7 nights
From £10,000pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 5th July 2025 – SILVEROR250705007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
5th July 2025 | 7 nights
From £10,900pp
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San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal – 5th April 2025 – SILVEROR250405007
San Cristóbal to San Cristóbal
San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos to San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos
5th April 2025 | 7 nights
From £12,000pp
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